🏎️ · Nullability βš™οΈ

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Read on to learn about the concept of nullability in Kotlin. Understand what nullable and non-nullable types are, along with the safe-call, elvis, and bang-bang operators.

The purpose of nullable types is to explicitly designate places where null values are allowed. This has two benefits:

  1. the compiler forces us to deal with potential null values and prevent NPE's
  2. the compiler guarantees that expressions of a non-nullable type cannot be null, saving us from writing inordinate amounts of defensive code everywhere
  • Every Kotlin type T has a nullable variant T?, e.g. Int and Int?
  • Expressions of type T can never contain null
  • Expressions of type T? can contain null

If you’re using IDEA, select any expression and use this shortcut to display its type. This is incredibly useful, and I encourage you to use it liberally.

// This does not compile
val notNullableString: String = null
// This is allowed
val nullableString: String? = null

// This is fine, since notNullableString can never be null
// This will not compile, since nullableString could be null, which would cause a NPE

// This works, since the compiler can prove that nullableString is not null when the length property is accessed
println(if(nullableString != null) nullableString.length else null)

// The variable 'list' is of type List<Int>, which means that a) it is never null, and b) never contains a null value.
// Think: what do List<Int?>, List<Int>? and List<Int?>? mean?
fun getFirstPositiveInt(list: List<Int>): Int? {
    for (elem in list) {
        if (elem > 0) return elem
    return null

The safe call operator

Take a look at this again:

println(if(nullableString != null) nullableString.length else null)

This is such a common pattern that Kotlin defines the safe call operator ?. which achieves the same thing:


The expression x?.y evaluates to x.y when x is not null, and null otherwise. It is equivalent to if(x != null) x.y else null

The elvis operator

Often, we would like to control the β€œfallback” value of the code we were just discussing, for instance:

println(if(nullableString != null) nullableString.length else 0)

Kotlin has the elvis operator ?:, which when combined with ?. achieves exactly that:

println(nullableString?.length ?: 0)

The expression x ?: y evaluates to x if x is not null, and y otherwise. It is equivalent to if(x != null) x else y.

The bang-bang operator

There are situations where we know an argument isn’t null, even though the compiler can’t prove it:

// You'll learn about stdlib functions such as 'first', and the 'it' parameter, in future articles. 
// Don't worry about them for now.
fun firstPositiveIntOrNull(list: List): Int? = list.first { it > 0 }
fun main() {
    // For this particular argument, we know that the result is non-null, 
    // however the compiler can't infer this generally, so the type of 'result' is still Int?
	val result = firstPositiveIntOrNull(listOf(1, 2, 3))

To deal with these situations, Kotlin introduces the not-null-assertion operator !!, often called the bang-bang operator:

// This works
val result2: Int = firstPositiveIntOrNull(listOf(1, 2, 3))!!

As in many religions, it is recommended to abstain from bang-banging, and only bang-bang when you really have to. Double-banging a null value throws a NPE.

I strongly believe that the use of this operator is almost always a shortcut that circumvents a deeper problem, and can be avoided if the deeper problem is fixed. If you feel like you've come across an instance where !! is unavoidable, please do share it in the comments!


Implement canBangBangKotlin() in the same spirit as canBangBangJava(). Use the operators we just introduced.

import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Test

class TestBandBang() {
    val personWithAge = Person(
    	firstName = "firstName",
        lastName = "lastName",
        age = 32,
        phone = null
    val personWithoutAge = Person(
    	firstName = "firstName",
        lastName = "lastName",
        age = null,
        phone = null
    @Test(timeout = 1000)
    fun bangbang() {
        Assert.assertTrue("The function canBangBangKotlin is not implemented correctly", canBangBangKotlin(personWithAge, 32))
        Assert.assertFalse("The function canBangBangKotlin is not implemented correctly", canBangBangKotlin(personWithAge, 33))
        Assert.assertFalse("The function canBangBangKotlin is not implemented correctly", canBangBangKotlin(personWithoutAge, 33))

class PhoneNumber(val prefix: String?, val number: String)

class Person(
    val firstName: String, val nickname: String? = null, val lastName: String,
    val age: Int?,
    val phone: PhoneNumber?
) {
    init {
        require(age ?: Int.MAX_VALUE > 0) { "Age cannot be negative" }

fun canBangBangJava(person: Person?, consentAge: Int): Boolean {
    if(person == null) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Person cannot be null");

    if(person.age == null) {
        return false

    return person.age >= consentAge

fun canBangBangKotlin(person: Person, consentAge: Int): Boolean = TODO("Implement canBangBangKotlin()!")


Implement formatPhoneKotlin() in the same spirit as formatPhoneJava().

import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Test

class TestBandBang() {
    val withPhonePrefix = PhoneNumber("+314", "123321")
    val withoutPhonePrefix = PhoneNumber(null, "123321")
    @Test(timeout = 1000)
    fun testFormatPhone() {
        Assert.assertEquals("The function formatPhoneKotlin is not implemented correctly", "+314 123321", formatPhoneKotlin(withPhonePrefix))
        Assert.assertEquals("The function formatPhoneKotlin is not implemented correctly", "+420 123321", formatPhoneKotlin(withoutPhonePrefix))

class PhoneNumber(val prefix: String?, val number: String)

class Person(
    val firstName: String, val nickname: String? = null, val lastName: String,
    val age: Int?,
    val phone: PhoneNumber?
) {
    init {
        require(age ?: Int.MAX_VALUE > 0) { "Age cannot be negative" }

fun formatPhoneJava(phone: PhoneNumber?, defaultPrefix: String = "+420"): String {
    if(phone == null) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Phone cannot be null");
    if(phone.number == null) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Phone.number cannot be null");
    if(defaultPrefix == null) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("defaultPrefix cannot be null");

    if(phone.prefix != null) {
        return phone.prefix + " " + phone.number

    return defaultPrefix + " " + phone.number

fun formatPhoneKotlin(phone: PhoneNumber, defaultPrefix: String = "+420") = TODO("Implement formatPhoneKotlin()")


Implement humanStrKotlin() in the same spirit as humanStrJava(). When you’re finished, take a look at the difference between the two and enjoy the feeling.

import java.lang.StringBuilder
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Test

class TestBangBang() {
    val person1 = Person(
        firstName = "Honza", nickname = "PΓ‘rek", lastName = "PΓ‘rker",
        PhoneNumber(null, "123456789")
    val person2 = Person(
        firstName = "Franta", lastName = "ZvadlΓ½",
        age = null,
        phone = null
    @Test(timeout = 1000)
    fun testHumanStr() {
            "The function humanStrKotlin is not implemented correctly", 
            |Name: Honza 'PΓ‘rek' PΓ‘rker
            |Age: 18
            |Phone: +420 123456789
            "The function humanStrKotlin is not implemented correctly", 
            |Name: Franta  ZvadlΓ½
			|Age: Unknown
			|Phone: Unknown

class PhoneNumber(val prefix: String?, val number: String)

class Person(
    val firstName: String, val nickname: String? = null, val lastName: String,
    val age: Int?,
    val phone: PhoneNumber?
) {
    init {
        require(age ?: Int.MAX_VALUE > 0) { "Age cannot be negative" }

val Person.quotedNick get(): String? = nickname?.let {"'$it'" }
val Person.phoneString get(): String? = phone?.let(::formatPhone)
fun formatPhone(phone: PhoneNumber, defaultPrefix: String = "+420") = "${phone.prefix ?: defaultPrefix} ${phone.number}"

fun humanStrJava(person: Person): String {
    if(person == null) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Person cannot be null");

    val builder = StringBuilder()

    if(person.firstName == null) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Person.firstName cannot be null");

    if(person.lastName == null) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Person.lastName cannot be null");

    val quotedNick = if(person.quotedNick == null) "" else person.quotedNick!!
    builder.append("Name: ")
        .append(person.firstName).append(" ").append(quotedNick).append(" ").append(person.lastName)

    builder.append("Age: ")
        .append(if(person.age == null) "Unknown" else person.age.toString())

    builder.append("Phone: ")
        .append(if(person.phoneString == null) "Unknown" else person.phoneString)

    return builder.toString()

fun humanStrKotlin(person: Person) = """
    |Name: ${TODO("Implement correct name printing!")}
    |Age: ${TODO("Implement correct age printing!")}
    |Phone: ${TODO("Implement correct phone printing!")}


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The Kotlin Primer